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Canada Immigration Interview - You and Your Family

These are the sample questions of Canada Immigration Interview regarding you and your family

1. Tell something about yourself.
2. Where do you live?
3. Do you have your own house, or you live on rent?
4. (If you have kids under 18) Where are your kids now? Are they unaccompanied at home? (Note: In Canada, it is against the law to leave children under 12 unattended).
5. Do your live in a joint family?
6. Do you intend to bring your parents to Canada if your application is approved?
7. If not, who will care for your parents if you move to Canada?
8. What’s your current marital status?
9. Have you been previously married?
10. How would you rate your English language skills? How about French?
11. How well do your wife/husband and children speak English/French?
12. Have you ever been in dilemma with the law? Were you ever charged arrested for any kind of crime?
13. Do you have family in Canada?
14. What will you do if your immigration application is rejected?
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