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Weekly Recap

For those of you that were a little too busy this week to read all of New Grad Life's content, here's a nice recap of everything that was published.


• Campus Career Centers Struggling

• Weekly Grad Star: Anne Lawver

• To all the Universities - Thank You!

• Grads, you're not victims

Job Hunting

• 10 Online Personal Branding Tips

• 8 New Techniques to Land a Job

• How Volunteering Can Boost Your Career

• Ten Mistakes that Can Sabotage Your Job Search


• 5 Tips for Crafting an Entry-Level Resume

• "Do I Put My GPA on My Resume?"

• 7 Words That Make Your Resume Irresistible


• Job Interview Questions: "Tell Me About Yourself"


• Job Networking Tips Every Job Seeker Should Know (video)
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