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Immigration Visa Basics In Canada

There are 3 types of immigration visas in Canada:
1. Skilled Workers
2. Business Class
3. Family Class

Let us review all the three types

1. Skilled Worker Immigration Visa:
Citizens of any country in the world who have least one year of full-time work experience in the past 10 years in any of the 29 skilled occupations can submit an application to Skilled Worker Immigration visas. Also they are requisite to pass the ranking section scheme that bases the rank on these factors: age, education, work experience, language ability and adaptability. The pass mark is presently set on 67 from 100, but the mark changes from time to time depending on the changes in the Canadian labor market and economy.

2. Business Class Immigration Visa:
Populaces who have the likelihood to sustain the Canadian economy are classified as business immigrants. The entire business immigration process is managed by the Business Immigration Program that looks for and attracts experienced business natives to Canada. The business immigrants can be separated into further three types:

Investors – Supported by the Immigrant Investor Program, must have a sturdy business experience and a least net worth of CDN $800,000 and make an investment of CDN $400,000. The goal of this program is not only to be a magnet for experienced business persons but also to attract capital into Canada.

Entrepreneurs – Supported by the Entrepreneur Program, also should have business experience and least amount net worth of CDN $300,000. Entrepreneurs are predictable to own and vigorously manage businesses in Canada, contribute to the economy and create jobs.

Self-employed – Are expected to add to the cultural, artistic or athletic life of Canada and must have the intention and ability to create own employment.

3. Family Class Immigration Visa:
Subsequent to a Canadian citizen or a permanent resident reaches 18 years old he or she might support close relatives or family members in becoming permanent residents of Canada. Sponsors must undertake to help resolve in Canada and go with the family member for a period from 3 to 10 years. The family members entitled for sponsorship are listed below.

- Spouses, common-law or conjugal partners 16 years of age or older;
- Parents and grandparents;
- Dependent children, including adopted children
- Children under 18 years of age whom you intend to adopt;
- Brothers, sisters, nephews, nieces or grandchildren who are orphans, under the age of 18 and not married or in a common-law relationship; and
- Any other relation if you have none of the above relatives or family members, either in Canada or abroad.

Before you can submit an application to sponsor a family member you require to meet some certain income requirements. The entire sponsoring procedure is very severe and when you verify that you can sponsor a family member you will sign a legal agreement with the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration and the Sponsorship Agreement with your family member or family member. If you have previously sponsored relatives or family members who received social help, you may not be allowed to support another person.
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