Great jobs you may be overlooking

Students who have successfully completed a Masters of Public Health, a Masters of Health Services Administration, a Masters of Science in Health Services Research or any of the other titles conferred by health care management programs know that the graduate degrees open up enormous new vistas. Health care has gone in just twenty years from a service dominated by impatient facilities and private medical services serving individuals to a system of organizations serving defined populations.
Medical Group Management
Medical group management has become a rapidly growing niche in the health care management profession as the traditional physicians’ partnerships have mushroomed into enormous commercial ventures. Medical groups with one hundred doctors or more are not uncommon; what was initially a method of leveraging fee negotiations with insurance companies has become a viable, attractive business option.
Many medical groups today operate their own pathology labs and radiography facilities within their own office structures. An executive managing a practice of this size has all the HR, billing, administration and management issues that face a medium sized highly specialized business. Regulatory issues are an everyday factor in medical group practice. For more information on the career, consult the Medical Group Management Association website.
Clinical Care Management
Clinical care has always been a public health model, but in recent years health care providers have moved to the clinic format to provide everyday walk-in medical care and meet outpatient needs. While most providers still maintain the primary provider relationship for system members, clinics are increasingly playing a role for medical needs due to overloaded schedules for staff physicians. The National Association of Community Health Centers provides a job bank for those interested in positions with their member centers, which are largely public facilities.
There are also specialization clinics which function as service providers for health care systems either on a contract basis or as separate in-house units. Physical rehabilitation clinics, kidney care clinics, radiographic imaging clinics – these are examples of specialty services that require not only overall business management but a degree of expertise in the medical field. Perhaps more important is a degree of knowledge – and tenacity – about insurance provisions for these services.
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