One of the main attractions of a travel to Canada is the cost of housing compared with other western countries. As happens all over the world, prices are high in Canada's big cities as compared to the surrounding towns.
Canada's uppermost house prices are found on the west coast in Vancouver / British Columbia, where the country's most favorable weather is found. Rigorous winter weather or isolation from major markets typically results in low house prices - for instance property prices are low in Manitoba and Prince Edward Island.
In 2007 prices in thriving Alberta rose over prices in Ontario for the first time in the history and, in the same layer, prices in Calgary rose over those in Toronto. Regardless of the more recent fall in oil prices, Alberta prices in 2010 stay higher than those in Ontario but Calgary prices have dropped less those in Toronto.
By Cities:
Canadian Cities Average House Prices January 2010
City Average Price Yearly Change
Vancouver, BC $638,000 + 18.9 %
Toronto, Ont $409,000 + 19.0 %
Calgary, Alb $382,000 + 5.5 %
Ottawa, Ont $324,000 + 11.3 %
Montreal, Que $284,000 + 11.1 %
Halifax, NS $242,000 - 0.4 %
Regina, Sask $214,000 - 6.2 %
Fredericton, NB $164,000 + 6.0 %
By Province:
Canadian Provinces Average House Prices January 2010
Province Average House Price Yearly Change
British Columbia $492,000 + 19.0 %
Alberta $343,000 + 6.4 %
Ontario $329,000 + 19.5 %
Quebec $236,000 + 9.8 %
Newfoundland / Labrador $236,000 + 22.5 %
Saskatchewan $228,000 + 2.0 %
Manitoba $213,000 + 15.9 %
Nova Scotia $194,000 + 8.3 %
Prince Edward Island $159,000 - 3.6 %
New Brunswick $156,000 + 7.3 %
Canadian Average $329,000 + 19.6 %