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Re-Post: Tips to Speed Up Your Search for Nonprofit Work

When unemployment hits, it can be hard to get your job search up and running.  Getting laid off from your current job is usually unexpected, so how is one supposed to speed up the search for nonprofit work?  This is going to sound like work, but bear with me: you should start preparing for your job search even if you currently have a job. This can be hard to convince yourself to do, especially if you really enjoy the work that you do.  In today's unstable climate, it is best to be prepared for the worse.

How can you start this preparation?  You should first make sure to have your resume up-to-date. That way you will instantly have a resume ready to send out if you suddenly get laid off. You should also make sure that the voice mail on your cell phone (or other contact number) is professional sounding, so that potential employers will immediately have a good first impression of you.  It's also a good idea to set up a separate e-mail address for not for profit jobs to contact you. It can be very easy to accidentally delete a job offer if it is cluttered with the rest of your personal e-mail messages.

You should also make sure to not just use nonprofit job boards, but also to sign up for newsletters that send nonprofit jobs directly to you! For instance, we offer a weekly newsletter dedicated to nonprofit jobs, so you should be sure to sign up for The NonProfit Times jobs newsletter.  I would also recommend following our Twitter account so that you are informed almost immediately when new jobs added. There are other job services out there as well, so be sure to sign up for as many as you can.

Finally, before you start your job search for the day, consider making a list of everything you hope to accomplish. It may seem silly, but setting these daily goals can really help you stay focused. Job hunting can be tough and frustrating, so having the satisfaction of meeting these daily goals can keep you going.
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