Find in Google+ NPT Jobs Recommends: 10/05/2011

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NPT Jobs Recommends: 10/05/2011

It's an absolutely gorgeous fall day here on the east coast.  It's a great day to take your laptop outside and do your job search in the fresh air.  And while you're doing that, you can also check out these great career advice articles:

  • '8 Ways to Subtly Connect Online'-Feeling nervous about connecting with people online?  Not to worry, has some tips on how to go about getting new connections in ways that are less harmful to the nerves.
  • 'Losing A Job With Dignity'-Losing a job is one of the worst things that can happen to anybody.  This inspiring article tells the story of a man who handled this tough situation with class.  This is a must read.
  • '3 Keys to Customizing Your Resume'-GreatResumesFast gives some tips on how to tailor your resume based on the job you are applying to.
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