Resumes and cover letters are two very powerful tools in the job searching process. These two provide an employer with your first impression as an individual and provide an opportunity to promote yourself as a possible candidate. Resumes and cover letters are two professional documents that demonstrate your ability to articulate yourself in a concise manner. Their purpose is to get you an interview. A cover letter introducing you to the potential employer, identifying the position you are applying for, and indicating how you learned of the opening, should accompany every resume. This letter should in short provide one or two examples of your experience relevant to the position, and should convey interest for the concerned position.
Development Cover Letter
Bruce Wayne,
32 S Riverview,
14 Three Elms field,
Garby Stourling, GN
(314) 555-5286.
Date: June 10, 2009.Clark Kent,
HR Manager, XYZ, Inc.,
4 Tiverton Lane,
London SW,
(512) 555-3909.
Dear Mr. Kent,
Recognizing TelNet Development Center as a corporation with an excellent reputation, I immediately updated my resume for your review and consideration. Possessing over seven years of experience in program development and training, I am very much pleased to submit my resume for consideration of a training and development position within your organization. I bring to this position an exceptional understanding of program development, a depth of experience and extensive involvement serving as a leader within high growth and rapid paced surrounding and environment.
TelNet Development Center will certainly benefit from a results-oriented professional, possessing an excellent track record of high-impact performance in the administration, planning and development and quality management of employee training and development initiatives. Some of the achievements of my professional career include:
Bruce Wayne.
Enclosure : Resume.
Development Cover Letter
Bruce Wayne,
32 S Riverview,
14 Three Elms field,
Garby Stourling, GN
(314) 555-5286.
Date: June 10, 2009.
HR Manager, XYZ, Inc.,
4 Tiverton Lane,
London SW,
(512) 555-3909.
Dear Mr. Kent,
Recognizing TelNet Development Center as a corporation with an excellent reputation, I immediately updated my resume for your review and consideration. Possessing over seven years of experience in program development and training, I am very much pleased to submit my resume for consideration of a training and development position within your organization. I bring to this position an exceptional understanding of program development, a depth of experience and extensive involvement serving as a leader within high growth and rapid paced surrounding and environment.
TelNet Development Center will certainly benefit from a results-oriented professional, possessing an excellent track record of high-impact performance in the administration, planning and development and quality management of employee training and development initiatives. Some of the achievements of my professional career include:
- Established systems for training and monitoring and evaluation of employee progress.
- Facilitated classes on various topics including communication skills, customer service skills, leadership theory, performance management and problem solving techniques.
- Initiated the overall design and facilitation of employee training and management development programs, customizing the content to effectively addressing specific areas of need.
Bruce Wayne.
Enclosure : Resume.